variant: fcos version: 1.4.0 systemd: units: - name: mask: true - name: docker.socket enabled: false - name: docker.service mask: true - name: rpm-ostree-countme.timer enabled: false mask: true - name: fwupd-refresh.timer enabled: false mask: true - name: zincati.service enabled: false mask: true - name: remove-layered-packages.service enabled: true contents: | [Unit] Description=Add and activate an RPM-OStree layer to remove embedded packages # We run after `systemd-machine-id-commit.service` to ensure that # `ConditionFirstBoot=true` services won't rerun on the next boot. After=systemd-machine-id-commit.service # We run before `zincati.service` to avoid conflicting rpm-ostree transactions. Before=zincati.service # Run before remote login is possible Before=sshd.service # Do not execute anymore if it was already installed ConditionPathExists=!/var/lib/%N.stamp [Service] Type=oneshot RemainAfterExit=yes EnvironmentFile=/etc/sysconfig/layered-packages-kargs ExecStart=/usr/bin/bash -c '/usr/bin/test "x${REMOVE_RPM_PACKAGES}" != "x" && /usr/bin/rpm-ostree override remove $REMOVE_RPM_PACKAGES || true' ExecStartPost=/usr/bin/touch /var/lib/%N.stamp ExecStartPost=/usr/bin/bash -c '/usr/bin/rpm-ostree status --pending-exit-77 || /usr/bin/systemctl --no-block reboot' [Install] # Run before remote login is possible RequiredBy=sshd.service - name: replace-layered-packages.service enabled: true contents: | [Unit] Description=Add and activate an RPM-OStree layer to replace embedded packages # Run after unwanted embedded RPM packages have been removed remove-layered-packages.service remove-layered-packages.service # We run before `zincati.service` to avoid conflicting rpm-ostree transactions. Before=zincati.service # Run before remote login is possible Before=sshd.service # Do not execute anymore if it was already installed ConditionPathExists=!/var/lib/%N.stamp [Service] Type=oneshot RemainAfterExit=yes EnvironmentFile=/etc/sysconfig/layered-packages-kargs ExecStart=/usr/bin/bash -c '/usr/bin/test "x${REPLACE_RPM_PACKAGES}" != "x" && /usr/bin/rpm-ostree override replace --experimental --from repo=updates $REPLACE_RPM_PACKAGES || true' ExecStartPost=/usr/bin/touch /var/lib/%N.stamp ExecStartPost=/usr/bin/bash -c '/usr/bin/rpm-ostree status --pending-exit-77 || /usr/bin/systemctl --no-block reboot' [Install] # Run before remote login is possible RequiredBy=sshd.service - name: add-layered-packages.service enabled: true contents: | [Unit] Description=Add and activate an RPM-OStree layer to install additional packages # Run after embedded RPM packages have been replaced replace-layered-packages.service replace-layered-packages.service # We run before `zincati.service` to avoid conflicting rpm-ostree transactions. Before=zincati.service # Run before remote login is possible Before=sshd.service # Do not execute anymore if it was already installed ConditionPathExists=!/var/lib/%N.stamp [Service] Type=oneshot RemainAfterExit=yes EnvironmentFile=/etc/sysconfig/layered-packages-kargs ExecStart=/usr/bin/bash -c '/usr/bin/test "x${ADD_RPM_PACKAGES}" != "x" && /usr/bin/rpm-ostree install --allow-inactive --idempotent $ADD_RPM_PACKAGES || true' ExecStartPost=/usr/bin/touch /var/lib/%N.stamp ExecStartPost=/usr/bin/bash -c '/usr/bin/rpm-ostree status --pending-exit-77 || /usr/bin/systemctl --no-block reboot' [Install] # Run before remote login is possible RequiredBy=sshd.service - name: setup-kargs.service enabled: true contents: | [Unit] Description=Configure required kargs # Run after additional RPM packages have been installed add-layered-packages.service add-layered-packages.service # We run before `zincati.service` to avoid conflicting rpm-ostree transactions. Before=zincati.service # Run before remote login is possible Before=sshd.service # Do not execute anymore if it was already installed ConditionPathExists=!/var/lib/%N.stamp [Service] Type=oneshot RemainAfterExit=yes EnvironmentFile=/etc/sysconfig/layered-packages-kargs ExecStart=/usr/bin/bash -c 'for karg in $REMOVE_KARGS; do /usr/bin/rpm-ostree kargs --delete-if-present="$$karg"; done' ExecStart=/usr/bin/bash -c 'for karg in $REPLACE_KARGS; do /usr/bin/rpm-ostree kargs --replace="$$karg"; done' ExecStart=/usr/bin/bash -c 'for karg in $ADD_KARGS; do /usr/bin/rpm-ostree kargs --append-if-missing="$$karg"; done' ExecStartPost=/usr/bin/touch /var/lib/%N.stamp ExecStartPost=/usr/bin/bash -c '/usr/bin/rpm-ostree status --pending-exit-77 || /usr/bin/systemctl --no-block reboot' [Install] # Run before remote login is possible RequiredBy=sshd.service - name: setup-layered-services.service enabled: true contents: | [Unit] Description=Enable services added in an RPM-OStree layer # Run after required RPM dependencies have been installed setup-kargs.service setup-kargs.service # We run before `zincati.service` to avoid conflicting rpm-ostree transactions. Before=zincati.service # Run before remote login is possible Before=sshd.service # Do not execute anymore if it was already installed ConditionPathExists=!/var/lib/%N.stamp [Service] Type=oneshot EnvironmentFile=/etc/sysconfig/layered-packages-kargs ExecStart=/usr/bin/bash -c 'for unit in $MASK_UNITS; do /usr/bin/systemctl --now mask "$$unit"; done' ExecStart=/usr/bin/bash -c 'for unit in $DISABLE_UNITS; do /usr/bin/systemctl --now disable "$$unit"; done' ExecStart=/usr/bin/bash -c 'for unit in $ENABLE_UNITS; do /usr/bin/systemctl --now enable "$$unit"; done' ExecStartPost=/usr/bin/touch /var/lib/%N.stamp [Install] # Run before remote login is possible RequiredBy=sshd.service passwd: users: - name: hvpadmin gecos: HVP Administration Account groups: - sudo ssh_authorized_keys: - ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHA1MjEAAAAIbmlzdHA1MjEAAACFBABuG9cJmQajdDokyk0C/v2bla9Z5TPJTBU0iLVQMyyUbvP+NHb0TKN3Mwex+M0bPA+LVEbgj+6gWw+yf/8CR3p3hACiiEu4qgFihXJdP69DBCv2zU/noDj6xN08m3+P9iwK/YdxQ4q2EpAqVX7B+r1sYypttXrUF64R0vLXoz6+WtQOdQ== root@twilight.mgmt.private password_hash: "$6$EngnSSn5$DiapvymRZ579Tt6pNBgRwT7D7PTDzWkT3ffKUO1U1qMloraFsg7jI6WfdM1oddxDvW9AFmBMKNOG1ylW7KiFU."