# Built-in variable defaults for HVP custom CoreOS installation procedure (pre/inst/post scripts) # Ignition file location default_ign_source="/run/media/iso/live-files/node.ign" # List of configuration fragments (file names) to be retrieved (in order) from the same place where the Ignition file is coming from # Note: if the Ignition is retrieved from network, then a further file name hvp_parameters_xxxxxxxxxxxx.sh is appended to this list (with xxxxxxxxxxxx being the MAC address of the NIC used to retrieve the Ignition file) default_ign_custom_frags="hvp_parameters.sh hvp_parameters_variant.sh" # Disk initialization strategy, one of none, all, os, extra, used* default_disk_wiping="used" # OS-disk assignment strategy, one of first, last, smallest*, last-smallest, sdX (with sdX being the actual device basename) default_nodeosdisk="smallest" # Extra-disk assignment strategy for node-local storage, one of skip, largest*, smallest, sdX (with sdX being the actual device basename) default_extradisk_localst="largest" # Extra-disk assignment strategy for replicated storage, one of skip, largest, smallest*, sdX (with sdX being the actual device basename) default_extradisk_replicatedst="smallest" # Timezone, one of the recognized timezones in /usr/share/zoneinfo/ default_timezone="UTC" # Keyboard layout, one of the maps available in /usr/lib/kbd/keymaps/xkb/ default_kblayout="us" # Hostname assignment logic, one of fixed, automated* default_hostname_assignment="automated" # Hostname for fixed or prefix for automated hostname generation default_hostname="node" # DNS domain name to be appended to hostname default_domainname="lan.private" # NetworkManager detected configuration management default_persistnmconf="true" default_enactnmconf="false" # NIC bonding default_bondmode="activepassive" default_bondopts="mode=active-backup;miimon=100" # DNS servers default_nameservers="" # NTP servers default_ntpservers="" # Range of IP addresses for configuration discovery default_rangeipaddr="" # Admin username default_admin_username="hvpadmin" # Admin password hash default_admin_password='$6$EngnSSn5$DiapvymRZ579Tt6pNBgRwT7D7PTDzWkT3ffKUO1U1qMloraFsg7jI6WfdM1oddxDvW9AFmBMKNOG1ylW7KiFU.' # Admin SSH publick key default_admin_sshpubkey='ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHA1MjEAAAAIbmlzdHA1MjEAAACFBABuG9cJmQajdDokyk0C/v2bla9Z5TPJTBU0iLVQMyyUbvP+NHb0TKN3Mwex+M0bPA+LVEbgj+6gWw+yf/8CR3p3hACiiEu4qgFihXJdP69DBCv2zU/noDj6xN08m3+P9iwK/YdxQ4q2EpAqVX7B+r1sYypttXrUF64R0vLXoz6+WtQOdQ== root@twilight.mgmt.private' # Packages and kernel arguments to remove/replace/add default_removepkgs="" default_replacepkgs="" default_addpkgs="" default_removekargs="" default_replacekargs="" default_addkargs="" # Units to mask/disable/enable default_masksvcs="" default_disablesvcs="" default_enablesvcs=""